How To Add Subusers To Your Server?

This article shows you step-by-step on how to add subusers to your server.

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Once you add a sub-user, the panel will generate them an account that they have to set up through the email they received.

How To Add Subusers?

  1. Head over to the Game Panel.

  2. Navigate to the "Settings -> Users" tab and click on "New Subuser" button.

  1. Insert your friend's email address and select the permissions you want to give them. Once done, click on "Invite User".

  1. Let you friend know to check their email to set up their panel account. When set up, they have access to your server with the permissions you gave them.

🎉 Congratulations, you've successfully created a subuser to your server. If you have any issues or concerns, please contact us through the ticket system.

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